Saturday, June 5, 2010

Peach Jubilees

I have now been on 4 planes this summer (to Grand Junction, Colorado & back) and have 10 to go. I had a wonderful visit with my best friend, Danielle and I cannot wait to go back in about 7 weeks!  I will post some pictures from the trip in my next post, but first I must share a delicious new treat that now ranks at the top of my favorites.

Let me introduce you to....Peach Jubilees!

If you're as crazy about peaches as I am, then you'll love this recipe!  It's super easy too! All you need is vanilla ice cream, milk, cinnamon and fresh, delicious, juicy peaches. (In case you didn't know, Palisade peaches (from Colorado...near Grand Junction) are the BEST peaches! They are ginormous!)  

Start by peeling & slicing peaches.  I actually used about 4 peaches to make 2 jubilees.

Then, pull out your handy, dandy blender to do all the work for you! (if you haven't noticed, my blender is quite old...thanks to Oster for their multi-purpose mixer, blender, meat grinder & food processor!)

Put several scoops of vanilla ice cream in the blender. (it's totally up to you how much you put in)

Add milk (again, it's up to all depends on how runny or thick you want your jubilees to be!) and start up your blender! Let it mix the ice cream & milk for a couple seconds and then stop it.  Add your skinless peach slices to the blender and blend it together until incorporated. (a couple more seconds).  Pour the mixture into glasses and then drizzle any remaining peach juice on top and sprinkle with cinnamon. (it's the secret, but not-so-secret ingredient that makes peach jubilees so ah-mazing)

And...enjoy the delicious magnificent delightfulness that is Peach Jubilees!

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