Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Cake In Heaven

The past few days have been quite a blur. We've been quite busy going to Olga & Dorel's church on Sunday and then going to camp the past few days. Camp has been fun and we've seen quite a few kids we first met on our Christmas trip. Since we're brain-dead due to lack of sleep, we're going to just post some pictures from the trip. Enjoy! We'll write in more detail next week when things aren't so crazy.

Two of the itty-bitties helping each other up the stairs.

Maria was ready for the flood.

Dima, me, Alex, Colleen, Eduard & Eli at the Chisinau sign.

Andrian & his brother, Eugen.

Sara & her buddy, Nina.

Andrian, Colleen's buddy.

Ghena, one of the boys at the camp & Colleen's other buddy.

Eli & Dima. Dima took his red balloon and let air out behind everyone, to simulate a certain gassy noise.

Melissa, Sara & Alex being goofy in the van.

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite memories of the week
    was the translation of 'pie in the sky' as 'cake in Heaven'
