Friday, May 21, 2010

Ethiopian Food

I decided this week to try a new recipe, one that I've never actually attempted before.  With the help of my wonderful older sister, Jennifer, I learned how to cook an Ethiopian meal.  It was easier than I'd imagined, so I figured I'd share it with you.  Enjoy!

Awaze Tips

You will need lean stew meat, oil, 3 onions, 3 cloves of garlic, 2 cans diced tomatoes, berbere spice powder, salt & pepper, lentils, 1 cucumber, 2 Roma tomatoes, & lemon or lime juice.

Start by cutting your thawed lean stew meat into small pieces (whatever size you prefer).  Add about 2 tablespoons of oil in a skilled and heat. Once hot, add the meat and cook it until it's brown.  (while the meat is cooking, you can prepare the lentils...which I've explained further down)

Once meat is brown, add about 2 onions, diced, and 3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped. Saute until onions are soft.  Add 2 cans of diced tomatoes.

Add 1-2 tablespoons of berbere spice powder. Salt & pepper to taste.  

Bring the mixture to a boil...a pretty good boil. (as the picture shows giant bubbles...that's the kind of boil I'm talking about!) Reduce heat, cover, and simmer until it forms a thick sauce. 

See how it's thick?  That's how it should look at the end...right before you devour it.

Now, for the lentils... (which, for the record, I have NEVER cooked lentils before, nor did I have a clue what they even looked like) You can boil the lentils while you cook the stew meat, so everything is ready at the same time.

Cook lentils according to package. We made 1 cup of lentils and the package instructions say to add 3.5 cups of water per 1 cup of lentils. So, bring the water to a boil, add the lentils, cover & cook on medium low heat.  To know if they're done, squish one lentil between your fingers. If it squishes between your fingers easily, it's done. It should be pretty mushy.

Next, strain the water and add a little berbere spice powder and a bit of garlic powder. (you can add paprika as well, if you so desire)

Here's the final product. (sorry, the color of the photo is off due to the fact that I didn't have my nice camera with me, so I just used my pocket-sized point & shoot camera)

Now for the delicious salad! (which you can prepare while the meat mixture & the lentils boil/cook)

Peel about 4 sides of a cucumber (leave some skin, but this is to keep the salad from being too crunchy) using a knife. 

Slice cucumber into thin pieces (not too thin, but not too thick).

Stack the slices and then cut into even smaller pieces.

Dice 2 Roma tomatoes until they're the size you want them.  We diced them pretty small. Add a little lime juice and salt and pepper and then you're good to go!

This is the final product. mouth's watering just thinking about it. 

This is anjara...which is a type of bread...From the way it looks, you might think it would come from the sponge family (I assure you, it doesn't), but it is bread and it's really good. 

We laid out our dinner spread in the same manner that an Ethiopian family would serve it at their home...on a big tray.  Everyone eats from the same tray. The anjara is placed on the bottom, meat mixture in the middle, lentils & salad on the side.  The meat can be a little spicy, so we eat it with yogurt (which is the white stuff in the picture) to help keep our mouths from spitting fire. 

This is my bro-in-law, James, demonstrating how to eat Ethiopian food. Show 'em how it's done!

Here is my older sister, Jennifer (on the left), and myself (on the right) eating Ethiopian food. Ethiopian food is eaten with your hands. For those civilized people, it may be hard to wrap your mind around it, but it is quite fun to put down the fork and eat with your hands.  You use the anjara to pick up the meat, lentils, salad, or yogurt.  You mix whatever you want together and then stuff it in your mouth. If you haven't tried it yet, you really should!

It was a delicious dinner. Jen was a great teacher.  I wonder what she'll teach me next!

I hope you'll be open minded to try new things and give this recipe a shot. I thoroughly enjoyed it!  

Monday, May 17, 2010

Colorful Colorado

Very soon I will be in beautiful Colorado, visiting my best friend. To say that I'm excited is an understatement. I'm ecstatic!   If you only knew what awaits me, you'd understand.  I only get to see my best friend maybe once a year, so this is a treat to get away and hang out with her for a week. (the scenery is a plus too)  This trip is kind of a "last hurrah" so to speak. She's getting married in July, so this is our time to spend together without wedding stresses...just having fun and hanging out. It will be a blast!
In case you haven't been to Colorado before, I've included a few photos to give you a taste of what's in store for me.  Ok, so maybe I just put them up to make you jealous, but either way, you can't deny the breathtaking beauty that is Colorado. 

Mount Garfield (which, I am told, we are going to hike this trip!)

Rifle Gap (where we went fishing last year)

The view from my best friend's house. (yeah...I'm jealous too)

The walkway leading to Hanging Lake (which, unfortunately, will be closed this trip, due to trail maintenance).

The trail at Hanging Lake. That's what I call hiking!

Mt. Sopris, still covered in snow!

Aaaaahhhhh! I can't wait to be there! I predict another movie-esque scene of me running from the plane to the terminal to meet my best friend and giving her a HUGE hug! I wish we didn't live so far away. Alas, I guess I will just continue to convince myself to visit her in that dreadfully gorgeous place.  I won't lie...I don't have to do much convincing. :) 

If you haven't had the blessed chance to visit this beautiful state, you should definitely put it on your to-do list for 2010. You won't regret it! (and no, I wasn't paid any money by the Colorado Tourism Industry)

After my Colorado trip, I will head to the forgotten country of Moldova. Whilst there, I will be blogging and posting plenty of photos, so be on the lookout!  (Excuse me while I return from the 13th & 14th centuries....who knew I'd travel so much in a blog.  "Alas" and "whilst"

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Asking, Receiving & Reluctantly Learning Patience

Matthew 7:7-8 says, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."

A few months ago I did just that...I asked God to give me patience and as this passage says, "Ask and it will be given to you." Boy was Matthew ever right. Ever since I prayed and asked God for patience, He has put me in numerous situations to force me to learn it. Patience is not one of my virtues, nor has it ever been, so I have been going against my nature and everything in my being to try to become patient. It's been a constant struggle to relinquish control and understand that God is God and I am not and His way is SO much better than mine.

A passage that's helped me through this constant battle is Proverbs 3:5-6, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight." Leaning not on my own understanding means relinquishing control to God and letting Him guide me down the path He has for me. It also means trusting Him even when I don't understand why situations turn out the way that they do, but knowing that He wants what's best for me and He has a good and perfect plan for my life. It's through those times of confusion, pain, and questioning that God makes Himself known.
It's also in those times that God prunes us and molds us more into His image. 1 Peter 1:6-7 says, "In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed." It's not a fun process, but it's a necessary one in order to grow us more in our faith and more into the people God wants us to be. I'm trying not to focus on the pain in the refining process, but to focus on the person God's molding me into. It's actually pretty humbling to know that my Creator, my Abba Father, cares so much for me that He doesn't want to leave me in the state that I'm in. He wants me to be more like Him.
Through all of the difficult times, I've learned to count my blessings and be thankful for what I do have, not what I lack. The things God's placed on my heart, He will HIS time. God doesn't operate on a 24 hour a day schedule. I've stopped trying to comprehend and understand His timing. I just know that He has His reasons (whether I know them or not) and He will provide in the right time.
I'm just placing my life in His hands as a willing vessel to be used for His glory. Sometimes my vessel cracks with the strains of life and He has to come and heal me and make me whole again. I know I'm not perfect, but God doesn't call the perfect. He calls us all to step out on faith and trust Him and allow Him to use us.

Life isn't about living in a big house with expensive things or having a good paying job. All of those things are temporary. I think that one of the main road blocks to following Christ whole-heartedly is our "stuff." If Christ called you to go serve in China tomorrow, would you go? Would you leave everything behind and go? Many people would wonder what to do with their belongings. Don't get me wrong, it's not a crime to have nice things. It's when we allow those things to dictate Christ's ability to work in our lives that creates a problem. I don't want to come across as though I'm not dealing with this myself. I have a lot of stuff and lately I've really been questioning if I've allowed my stuff to dictate my freedom to go and serve.
We need to examine our priorities. Are we more concerned with living comfortable lives that we neglect our calling and purpose to share Christ with those who so desperately need to hear His truth? We need to invest in things with eternal significance that will outlive us. What are you investing in?

So, now I will get off of my "soap box." I will warn you that I get preachy sometimes, especially when I am passionate about something. I hope this has encouraged you in how you trust God and see His plan. Even if you don't get anything else out of this, I hope you will not take Matthew 7:7-8 lightly. I asked God for patience and He has certainly provided many situations for me to learn it. When you ask, you will receive...

Friday, May 7, 2010

Homemade Fortune Cookies

Yes, you read the title correctly. I am going to show you how to make Fortune Cookies.  I have a ton of new recipes I want to try, but today I wanted to work on perfecting this recipe, so I thought I'd give it a whirl...for the 2nd time.  

Here's what you'll need:

1/2 cup flour (if you have bread flour, use it)- I used all-purpose flour & it worked fine.
1/2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla (or you could use 1/2 tsp almond and 1/2 tsp vanilla)
2 egg whites

Put all ingredients in a mixing bowl and beat to combine.  

This is how it looks after you mix it all together.  Once mixed, put in the fridge and chill for 1 hour.  (patience is a virtue...or so I've been told)

Spray cookie sheet with butter spray. Spoon a little batter on cookie sheet and form a thin circle. (they will rise a little, so you don't need a ton of batter)  I would recommend only putting about 3 cookies on each cookie sheet, so they don't cool off and harden before you can form your fortune cookies.  Place the cookies about an inch and a half to 2 inches apart.  Bake at 400 for 5-6 minutes or until the cookies are brown just around the edges and a little toward the centers. 

Remove from the oven and let sit for a few seconds before removing from pan. Don't let them sit too long or they'll harden and you won't be able to fold them. Loosen edges of cookies with a spatula.  Turn cookie over on a plate.

Place the fortune in the middle of the cookie.

Fold cookie over so the edges meet and press the edges together. Gently fold the cookie over the rim of a small bowl or glass and hold for a few seconds until set.  Repeat with the remaining cookies.  If the cookies have hardened, you can place them back in the oven for 15-20 seconds to heat back up, add the fortunes, and press together.

Place in a bowl and let them continue to cool.  Here are a few of the fortune cookies I made.

You can leave the cookies on the side of the bowl or cup in order to help them hold their shape while they cool.

Mmmm.... The recipe makes about 24 fortune cookies.  If you want to be creative with your fortune cookies, you can decorate them.  I decided to give it a try...

Melt semi-sweet chocolate chips (or white chocolate chips....or both!) in the microwave. Once melted, dip a fortune cookie in the gooey deliciousness.

Wipe off any excess chocolate.

Add sprinkles, toffee bits, candies, etc.

Place wax paper on a cookie sheet.  Lay decorated cookie on the wax paper to dry.  If you're in a hurry, you can place the cookie sheet in the freezer to help speed up the drying process.

Here are some of my decorated fortune cookies. I decided to try both semi-sweet & white chocolate and both are yummy.

Close up of one of my decorated (aka "gourmet") fortune cookies.  It was a fun project, though I will warn you that it takes a little practice. This was the 2nd time I've made them and they turned out much better this time. Don't be discouraged though. Sometimes it just takes a little practice to perfect a recipe.  You can have so much fun with these cookies.  You can use them to play Mad Gab and put the phrases in the cookies.  You can make them for baby & wedding showers, birthday parties, Valentines Day, etc. 
I'm going to make them for a bridal shower at the end of this month. I've come up with some fun wedding fortunes/phrases that will be a big hit!  So, if you have time, ingredients, and a little patience, you'll have a ball with this recipe! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Wading in a Puddle...

This weekend didn't quite go as I'd planned, though I'm learning that nothing really goes the way you plan it to. Despite the change in plans, it turned out to be a fun weekend. Saturday, my friend Emily & her mother were having a yard sale and I got there around 6:15 am to help them set up. Of course, the yard sale was a wash-out, but we made good use of our time. We did some home renovations, including painting, ripping up carpet, priming the floor, laying tile, and putting together furniture. Yes, we managed to do all of that ourselves. We're afraid that if our dads hear about our hidden talents that they'll have us do other renovations in the future. Also, I would like to point out that we did the entire renovation wearing flip-flops.

Aside from home renovations, we also baked chocolate chip cookie bars and pies. We managed to work in a little time to watch a tv show with cake decorating competitions. It made me want to roll out fondant and try some decorating of my own. (though it would've been really rough since I've never used fondant in my, it more than likely wouldn't have looked the way I would've wanted it to) It was so much fun hanging out with Emily & her mom. I've known Emily since 2nd grade. We've been friends ever since and we know each other quite well. Her mom is my second mother and I really do feel like one of her kids. I haven't hung out with Emily as much as we did in high school, but hopefully that will change. It felt like old times again.

After ripping out carpet, Emily & I went to take part of it to the dump on Saturday. On our way to the dump, we saw a lot of standing water and had to drive in the opposite lane at times to avoid pooling water. When we got back to her house, we came into the garage and noticed there was a lot of water on the floor. The three of us immediately started to sweep the water out and mop up any that we could. We bailed water out of her garage for over 2 hours. We finally got it under control and set out a box fan to help dry the floors. I wasn't able to go back to my mother's house (where I'd planned to stay the weekend since my dad was in Guatemala) in Franklin due to road closures, so I stayed at Emily's house. I hadn't anticipated being flooded in, so I didn't have a change of clothes or undergarments. Emily was gracious enough to give me clean clothes, but I didn't get to change my undergarments until Sunday, when we ventured out to Lowe's and Walmart during a lull in the rain. It's amazing how a clean pair of undergarments makes you feel like a new person. Ok, that was too much information. But if any of the 3 of you who actually read this thing have ever been in a situation like that, you know exactly what I mean.

After our adventure out to the store, we got back and swept out more water from the garage. To our dismay, the water had seeped into the basement carpet. Emily and her mother ripped up some of the carpet to mop up the water on the floor. Luckily, they'd gotten a shop vac at Lowe's so we had the water up in no time. Once we had that under control, Emily and I ventured out into Franklin to try to get to my parents house to gather some of my things and to check on the house. We drove down Murfreesboro Road toward Pinkerton Park and saw that Eddy Lane was completely under water and Pinkerton Park was as well. We were shocked when we saw the high waters. We managed to make it to my parents house and everything was ok. A little water seeped under the back door, but that usually happens whenever it rains. The backyard was a mini-pond, but that isn't unusual either since they have a drain in their backyard. We managed to make it back to Emily's house, but not without taking some pictures and video. (the pictures are in the previous post)

I stayed at her house until Monday morning. I headed toward downtown Franklin on Mack Hatcher, but I quickly found out that it wasn't the best idea. It was a parking lot in both directions. It was the only way into and out of downtown Franklin at the time. I finally aborted my mission (to get a fan from my parents new house) and took back roads to get to the interstate. I spent Monday helping my mom rip out the carpet in the basement of their old house (the one they're selling). Two inches of water flooded the basement. We'd initially started to use the shop vac to get the water out of the carpet, but it was just not working. We finally decided to rip it up and the carpet pad underneath was so saturated with water that there was no way we'd have gotten it up by vacuuming. Despite the unfortunate situation, an offer was put down on the house today and now it's under contract! Blessings have come from disaster. Praise God from whom all blessings flow! (no pun intended)
Through all of this, I've been reminded that this world is not our home. This is just a temporary place for us until we are finally home with our Father. Material things can be easily destroyed (as we have seen this past weekend), but our relationships with others and with Christ are what's worth fighting for and salvaging. So, as we begin the process of restoration, let's count our blessings and remember that God is in control.

Below are some pictures of the soaked carpet and the puddles of water on the concrete floor at my parents old house.

The soaked carpet in the old house. The patch of carpet in the far right corner was the one I started to vacuum with the shop vac and, as you can see, the water's already starting to seep back through.

This is all the water that was under the carpet pad. Thank goodness for shop vacs.

Mom tearing up carpet.

The super soaked unwanted carpet.

So, just for fun, I thought I'd include a video on here from mine & Emily's excursion through Franklin. Here she will demonstrate how to "rescue" me. It just seems way too easy....Enjoy!

The Tennessee Flood of 2010

If you haven't heard by now, there has been significant flooding in Tennessee due to over 2 days of constant rain. The Cumberland River crested today at 52 feet, when it was at 18 feet on Friday. There has been severe damage to so many homes, businesses, and landmarks. Despite the devastation, the people of Nashville have rallied together to help one another. Seeing how people have stepped up to lend their time and resources has really made me proud to live in the Volunteer State. Here are some photos from the flooding.

Flooding in Franklin, TN (photos taken by myself as Emily & I drove through town)

High water near a home on Hwy 96

Hillsboro Road in Franklin, closed because it was under water.

Pinkerton Park

Water was almost to the road when we drove by and it was still rising.

Flooding in Nashville, TN (photos from other sources)

Downtown Nashville

Inside Opryland Hotel

The Grand Ole Opry

Opryland Hotel & Opry Mills Mall

LP Field, Home of the Titans

View of the Cumberland River

Riverfront, downtown

Riverfront with the "art piece" partially submerged

Aerial view of Downtown Nashville